Saturday, January 14, 2023

Beating My Worries Workbook - Anxiety Management



Dear reader, this is my first post of the year and I want to wish you all a very happy and peaceful new year, where you worry less and laugh more. This year, let's focus on SEL that stands for social emotional learning and also covers executive functioning skills. No matter where our kids are on the Autism spectrum, this is one area where there is always scope for improvement. Then shall we get started?

Beating My Worries Workbook - Anxiety support resource is created by the teacher author - All Therapy Resources and I am in love with their resources. Anxiety and worries are a constant companion for our children and this workbook will help them learn to cope with them and more importantly give them tools to beat them! It is a sixty page digital resource that has short and easy to understand explanations for children of all ages and reflective worksheets. The topics covered include:
  • What is anxiety and how it can impact you
  • Why do you feel anxious - learning about your anxiety
  • What causes anxiety?
  • Anxiety and body activity - physical signs
  • Catastrophe scale
  • Calm thinking patterns and thermometer
  • Body relaxation techniques and ques
  • Exercise benefits
  • Visualization
  • Relaxation game and much much more..

Work through this book with your child and trust me, it will be an amazing experience as you get to know what worries them the most and help them learn techniques to cope with them. You can purchase this digital download HERE