Friday, October 21, 2022

Talking Fingers - Meet Aadi Narayanan Nair

 The Talking Fingers series of interviews, where you get to know more about the authors of our book and their families is nearing wrap up. In today's interview, let's  meet - Aadi Narayan Nair, who in spite of facing numerous medical problems is an ardent poet. First, let's chat with his mom - Indulekha

Q)Would you like to briefly share your autism journey with the medical challenges and how you developed communication skills in Aadi

I am Indu, mother of Aadi Narayanan Nair. I was a nurse ,was working in Dubai left the job once Aadi is diagnosed, and become special educator.

We introduced our son to the world in 2008 February 26,when I saw his face I felt whole world with love on him .Aadi reached his developmental milestones as per age ,but from 1.5 years he had recurrent throat infection, fever sinusitis and isolated episodes of infective diarrhoea. At 2.5years developed one month history of high grade fever ,throat month later he regressed in speech, oromotor and socialization. By 3years he diagnosed with autism. Our journey started from here.

     When we heard about early intervention program we came to Bangalore comdeall, Aadi had early intervention program for two years, and we parents had parental training program which helped us to understand our son better and connect with him. After two years we moved to Kerala, Aadi was attending his individual therapies in Praytna centre in Kochi. His speech therapist Soumya and Dr Maria found that Aadi can write with support. When Soumya showed me his writing I was in tears, immediately my questions to her, how I can help Aadi ?how I need to work with him ?still remember her words ;some children have ability to write ,some write poems but you need to focus on his strength of writing, to develop it as his communication mode. Initially his handwriting was not legible I need to observe the movements of his hands to know the words, done many exercises, activities, hand massages to strengthen his writing, gradually letters formed  more legible. Sharing his first Poem

                                     My problems are nothing


                   How I will tell

                   What I will tell

              Why you are away from your problems

                 So I could be so happy

                 My problems are nothing

        Now Aadi able to type independently on iPad, he do WhatsApp messages to the doctors and his nephew. He writes in my palm with his index finger, so we able to manage his communication with out gadgets book and pen  wherever we are. Once we developed his communication, we could able to understand him especially on his health issues.

If I need to talk about his medical issues Aadi was very calm and quiet child. 2015 November started with crying episodes, can say almost whole day he was crying. The school started calling us Aadi is crying, it’s sharp and loud noise other kids are getting disturbed, neighbors are asking them . We ran behind doctors all said to us it is a behavior, with ABC data sheet we understood his cry immediately after 15 minutes of food that lasts for one and half an hour .when I submitted video and ABC data sheet doctors told me abdominal pain is a part of autism, but I thought I never give up he is my son, he is a human being, suffering from pain.

 7 years he struggled, allopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy everything tried, no diagnosis, crying episodes whole day continuing, standing in front of doctors asking for help, can’t imagine that days how we survived. His disease was progressing, had many associated issues like epilepsy, migraine, joint pain, recurrent allergic conjunctivitis, keratoconus in one eye, insulin resistance, liver issues. Finally now some good hearted doctors trying to help us, diagnosed with eosinophilic gastro enteritis , but there are some more doubts investigation still going on.

  I am having challenging days, can’t predict or plan our days because many of days he will be sick, so I started home schooling for him based on his comfortable .

 During these days I felt how important communication in his life, if he could talk to doctors that he is in pain ,won’t be ignored. So in my goals I given first priority was independent typing. My present doctors are trusting on his writing and helping us.

My son is my life and breath I always think I am his voice whenever, wherever needed I raise my voice for him .



Q)your advice to other Autism parents...

1) You are not alone …

Some days you will feel alone, drained out, feel isolated. I would tell the parents to seek out other parents like yourself, join in support groups and talk to other parents who have same challenges like yourself.

2) My advice to parents is that don’t ignore the behaviour of your child, always a reason behind it

3) Give priority on developing communication as early as possible

4) Take care of yourself

You need to allow yourself time to relax and recharge your battery

5) Always remember we parents are the advocates for our kids to survive in the world.

              Sharing his recent poem, made me to understand why he is so anxious on rainy days

                My body My own experience


             See the eyes twinkling like a star

                I doubt it is dancing

            I wonder it can dance like an angel

              I may not enjoy the movement

           But I will enjoy the way they do steps

                 I can be an admirer

                 I can enjoy the music

         When rain comes I may enjoy the beauty of nature

           But the sounds makes my heart to beat fast

            The wind I may enjoy the touch on my body

       But it gives whistling sound on my ear ,makes me irritated

             I may be calm when my environment is quiet .

                  Now, let's meet the star of our interview - Aadi

Q) How old are you?

I am 14years old

Q) Where do you live ?

I live in Kochi, Kerala state.

Q) How do you communicate?

I can talk with my fingers, mostly in written form, but I am a minimal speaker with one or two words

Q) When did you learn to communicate?

I learned to communicate when I am six years old

                                      My view on my body

Saw ,my eyes are filled with images
My images are with full of shapeless colours
My ears are filled with noises
My nose is filled with different smells
My hands are without strength most of time
My legs are filled with restless movements
My mouth is searching for different taste and texture
My stomach is always in hurting
My brain is in clueless
I am helpless to overcome all this

Q) Would you like to share a few details about your medical complications?

I was 7 years old ,on that time my tummy was giving me bad feeling which I couldn’t tolerate. I thought my tummy will be in dying stage. I started crying but everyone thought I was showing behaviour of escape. My parents were arguing with my teachers. I was taken away from my class room to other rooms because of my loud and sharp cry. My mother couldn’t believe I was showing behavior, so she came to help me she could find I was in pain, so my journey of medical issues were started from there. My mother was going behind doctors but no one could help me or understand my problems. My journey still continuing, still giving me bad days .

      My thought on this - accept me as a human being. I have feeling of pain like every child. I may not tell you I am in pain but my feeling of pain like you the same which I couldn't tolerate.

Q) How difficult was it for you to communicate your pain with the doctors?

I think that days are horrible because I was hearing it’s part of my autism. I hate my autism on that days . I know I can’t talk ,but I can hear ,I can feel the pain. I can understand the words people talking, but I felt if I tell them I am in pain they may give medicine but I couldn’t! That made me so depressed.

When I learned the word ‘pain’ I thought my days will be colourful with butterflies, but scenario same , no help from the doctors I visited. I started to do WhatsApp messages to the doctors but I felt because of my autism they thought my brain playing it. It is so depressed when there is no treatment towards me. I can say we are human beings, we have organs same like you .

Q) What are your hobbies?

I like to hear songs and love to watch the nature. I love to see the birds flying, dancing of flowers in the wind , love to see sunset , looks like sky speaks in thousand colours.

Q) You write amazing poems, what inspires you?

I like to talk. My silence , my struggles gives me strength to write. I want to share my life to the world. I love to see a world without judgements on our life . I may like to speak if my brain allows.

                                         My travel through My life

Days are moving faster like a horse
My life travels like a tortoise
My soul moving to destination in slow
I know days are very limited for me in this Earth
I want to finish it peaceful
I know my life is a journey
I need to travel with out delay in movement
I know sometimes I can't walk through my life
But I need to do that!

Q) How do you spend your day?

Rest I am preferring, I enjoys music, my mother gives class on my studies . I spend my time in balcony eagerly waiting to see birds flying back to their nest during sunset . I do my exercise in my cycle evening, then I will wait for my father to come from office.


Q) Would you like to share your future plans with us ?

I am a dreamer , I can dream anything that I want . I want to be a scientist but I feel better I can be a advocate for the autistic people and I can be better son to my parents.


The world is so large
But the mind is not that big
My world is smaller than I see
My eyes are searching for the views to calm me
Saw only green leaves without colourful fruit
Saw birds are flying with out aim
My views are try to calm me

Q) How was the experience of writing for the book - Talking Fingers..

I am so happy that I could complete the questions, felt I have achieved something in my life .I could share my thoughts through the questions you given .I want to write more if I get a chance. I know my thoughts looks different but I am happy that I can communicate to the world which I have to live .

Thanks million once again for giving chance for me to write in the book -Talking fingers .

            Aadi, thank you so much for doing this interview. The medical issues in our children are often not diagnosed properly and they continue to suffer. I Hope and pray that you feel better soon and lead a healthy and happy life. 

        To know more about Aadi's views on many aspects of Autism and communication and meet sixteen gems on the Autism spectrum, please buy our book. It is available on Amazon 

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.