Friday, December 16, 2022

Fun Therapy - Clever Cubes Dice Tower



Clever Cubes is a favourite brand in our homeschool as it has many wonderful resources that target multiple skills in a fun game. Their latest game - Dice tower lives up to the expectations from the brand. This game comes with 16 coloured dice in five colours, 8 reversible pattern cards and a racing board.

Once your kiddo is accustomed to identifying colours and counting, the next level would be combine both these skills, right? This game does that and much more. It helps develop motor skills as they try to balance the dice, sequencing skills as they identify which dice comes next and visual perceptual skills as they scan the dice for the particular colour with the required number of dots and recreate the pattern given on the cards. There is an additional board game where kids can play the game of racing the dice and see who wins.

The pattern cards offer varying levels of difficulty and you can always create customized patterns on the spot to match your child's needs as there are plenty of dice. 

You can purchase this game on Amazon India