Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Life Skills - Basic Shopping Interactive game


Are you looking for a way to teach money skills to your child and struggling to find resource that is tailored to Indian children, search no more, you can find the perfect course on Edqueries website. Today, I will review their basic shopping interactive game.

This game has many mini-games that include :

1. Identify money
2. Sort the money
3. Add money - 1 rupee, 2 rupees and 5 rupees
4. Shopping games - Listen and give the correct amount to the shop keeper ( up to 100 rupees)

5. Add the price of the given items and pay the shop keeper.


You can access this game by purchasing their shopping course for Rs199/- or by subscribing to their Life Skills monthly by paying Rs 299/month; then you gain access to many more interactive games to teach essential skills like safety, traffic signs and many more. There is a free trial for two weeks too. 

Watch out for the next post where I will review their advanced shopping game. Hope you find this helpful!