Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Helping You To Identify And Understand Autism Masking



Helping you to identify and understand Autism masking - The truth behind the mask is an excellent book written by Emma Kendall. The author is an Autistic who is also a qualified therapist;, her child  is autistic and has several family members who are on the spectrum. This book uses lived experience to shed the light on a very important but often overlooked aspect - Autism masking. What better way to celebrate Autism awareness month than by spreading the word about this essential aspect!

So what is Autism masking and how do we identify it? Masking can be seen in a variety of behaviours such as imitating the popular kid/friend to blend in school, dressing up like peers and copying their body language, expressions, hobbies and interests - all done to avoid standing out in a crowd. Other examples are rehearsing a social script, constantly forcing themselves to maintain eye contact  and act interested in a social situation/conversation even when they are overwhelmed! Avoiding stims to fit in , hiding your true self and projecting a social personality!  A classic example is that of an Autistic child who is well behaved in school and has a  meltdown as soon as he reaches home; he/she has spent so much energy masking that they can no longer control. All these are examples are some of the ways speaking Autistic individuals mask.  The sad part is that many of these are actively taught/encouraged in Autistic children!!!             

Just imagine yourself doing all of the above ; everyday of your life without a break! Wouldn't you be frustrated and overwhelmed.  Many Autistic individuals face burn out and a disconnect from their persona because of masking for a long time. This can lead to mental health problems such as depression, eating disorders,  and many more serious health issues! 

I can understand that as parents we are encouraging these behaviours to help our children, but isn't their happiness and mental health more important? Think about it!! Read this book as this will guide you to identify the ways your child may be masking and offer ways to support them. This book is must-read for every parent and therapist! 

You can purchase the book on Amazon India