Friday, April 8, 2022

Life Skills - Advanced Shopping Interactive Game



The advanced shopping game developed by Edqueries is an online game that can help our children learn essential shopping skills. This takes off from the basic shopping game and gives a comprehensive approach as our kids master this essential life skill. This game is developed in India and uses our currency as well as more relatable images and text!

There are many parts in this online game. Let's take a look:

1. Select the shop - where would buy a given item from the options available
2. Learn shopping at the super market - listen to the name and select the correct aisle
3. What's the price?
4. Select the cheapest item
5. Order by price - cheapest item on top
6. Select the costliest item
7. Order by price - costliest item on top
8. Compare costs while buying - select the shop where the price is reasonable
9. Think and shop - critical thinking 
10. Listen and learn - payment by cash
11. Listen and learn - payment by card
12. How much change you get back?
13. Expiry date

A few of the games even have two levels of difficulties. 

                        This game is available as part of their Life Skills monthly subscription that costs Rs 299/month.  There is a free trial available for two weeks, so do check it out before going for the subscription. You can also purchase this game separately for Rs 199/- as part of their shopping course. I hope they add more courses like this that teach our kids real world skills.