Monday, June 10, 2024

Autism World - Pious Role & Konika



Pious Role is a collection of short stories written by two remarkable non-speaking autistics : Srijan and Ahan Sengupta. The stories are a slice of life and the twins showcase their acute observation of the human nature and our society through these finely crafted tales. They are 21 year old twins and I requested them to introduce the books. 
Srijan says : "This is a book of short stories. They are culled out from life. Kaleidoscope of images goes continuously. Some leave scratches on mind. Some leave questions. Some opens up new dimensions. Only some are recorded in mind. Out of them only a few crystallized into a story. The stories have a life of their own. I loved to pen them down."

Ahan introduces the book as - " I love to write stories. Pious Role catches my development as an author from writer of short story. I wrote small stories first. Then I started to write larger stories. All of them are captured here. What started impromptu ended in an organized book. "

Konika is a translation of poems written by one of my most favourite poets of all time, Rabindranath Tagore. It's rare to come across a heart that is not moved by his poetry and Srijan and Ahan Sengupta have translated them so beautifully. I loved every poem.

Talking about the book, Srijan says: " I loved to translate poems from childhood. It was a good mental exercise. Translation of Konika started as a home exercise. First we translated this as a random exercise. Then mother urged that this should be included in a book. "

Ahan says - " The poems of Tagore are always inspiring. I liked them when dad recited them. We started to translate many poems. The poems of Konika were small. They could be translated in a comparatively short time. So they were preferred. Gradually the book took shape. "

God bless you both and may all your dreams come true!

You can purchase both books on Amazon - Pious Role and Konika