Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Autism World - From Silence To Symphony



From Silence to Symphony is a collection of poems and reflections of 22 year old Aratrik  Dey, a non-speaking autistic. His goal in life is knowledge acquisition and he dreams of becoming a disability advocate. Aratrik says : " To exercise one's rights, one must have voice. Voice of an oppressed man when reaches to so many people, creates a positive impact on the society. Getting into the role of an author and an advocate, surely will change the mindset of many."

I finished reading the book in one sitting. The writing is magnificient. The author's intrinsic understanding of the world, nature, humanity, beauty, loneliness, and the myriad of emotions left me speechless. I experienced a whole gamut of emotions, laughed at times, cried reading about the struggles and above all felt very hopeful that Aratrik has started his journey as an author and a advocate with this amazing book. I especially loved his Hindi poems, they are an elegant ending to the book, a way to summarize his hopes and thoughts. God bless Ararik and may all your dreams come true!

You can purchase this book on Amazon India