Saturday, March 19, 2022

Visual Perception - Build A Robot



Build A Robot is an visual perception building activity developed by the teacher-author, Creative COTA.  Visual perception  skills  are essential for the development of daily living skills as well as academics.  This fun activity encourages our kids to build a robot using interactive body parts and gives a feedback too!

As you can see from the images above, there is an image of a robot and your kiddo has to build a similar one using the parts. It is a simple drag and drop activity. There are many options for the body parts in different colours and shapes, thereby developing the child's visual perceptual skills. This is a Boom cards activity. You can easily create a free account on Boom cards. Once you purchase and download the pdf, there will be link to Boom cards, which redirects you to Boom cards. Login to your account and confirm, it will be automatically added to your library. You can use it on desktop/laptop or tablet/ipad. It has an app-like feel, which is exciting for our kids. There are 24 different cards in this. You can purchase it on Teachers Pay Teachers

Hope you found this helpful. Do reach out to give your feedback.