Friday, March 25, 2022

Hold The Phone - An Idiom Game



Hold The Phone - An Idiom game is the first post in the Play And Learn Series, which will feature free games across educational websites. These games are hand picked for our children. Though I regularly post about different educational websites, often a few gems like this game  get lost in the crowd. This series is an endeavor to help parents and teachers by introducing them to fun and educational games that are free and instantly accessible across devices. Now let's get started on our first game in this series - Hold the phone!

Teaching idioms is very essential component of the social emotional learning for our children on the spectrum. This amazing game not only teaches idioms but also introduces emojis to our children, an important part of today's social interaction. Each session has six idioms. First, the kids have to recreate the literal meaning of the idiom using emojis. Second, they have to choose the figurative interpretation of the idiom. Third, once all the six idioms in the session are completed, they have to choose the correct idiom for the given sentence from the multiple choices given. A very comprehensive approach, isn't it ?  Since a picture is worth a thousand words ( couldn't stop myself from using an idiom 😊) take a look:

I hope you find this post useful, looking forward to your feedback. You can access this game on   A huge thank you for this wonderful game!