Friday, March 8, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Sahana Singaravelan

  Dear reader, thank you for showering our co-author families with immense love. Let's continue the journey and meet the next co-author  - Sahana and her parents Sridevi and Singaravelan.


1. Please share your autism journey with us.

    My journey with Sahana actually started when I enrolled her in Dubai World Nursery for nursery class in 2013 in April ....We were living in Dubai since 2009 after I got married and Sahana was born in 2010 in Chennai India...

All this time Sahana was talking but very few words .....She used to sing few lines of rhymes, counting of numbers, etc. I didn't realise that she didn't address me as Amma or her father as Appa...

On the first day of School itself the teacher asked me whether she has hearing issue as all children were running behind her when she played the xylophone and Sahana was somewhere away doing something else...This point left both of us for a shock and after coming back home many times I checked Sahana by calling her name.

Then her school started and everyday complains of her not sitting, crying continuously happened....We received a letter from school saying that she has ADHD...Then I realised that Sahana used to cry looking at school bus, uniform, etc. So we went back to the school pediatrician at St Joseph's Sharjah branch who told us that she has Autism and she will be nothing; can't do much with her; please try for 2nd child....

These words were shocking ...he did a couple of blood tests and MRI for brain and I wasn't convinced with what he told ....So we as parents decided that I will take Sahana to Chennai. After reaching Chennai and meeting Sahana had her assessments with Sangeetha Madhu Clinical Psychologist who declared that she has Developmental Delay and hearing test and other test with Mr.Mohan Kameswaran's MERF and he told that I will have to continue therapy for Sahana in Chennai and shift my base here..

So as per their advice started OT for Sahana with Five therapy center...By that time I realised that there was regression in Sahana and she lost her words and mannerisms of hand flapping, stimming, mouthing started...she was 3 years when this happened . 

Thus started her journey....the gut, digestion issues she faces that causes a lot of behaviours ....especially when she was only 6 or 7 when writing or typing was absent it was very difficult to handle...

2. How did you develop communication skills in Sahana.

   We started rigorous therapy, juggling to different centers and then finally met Krishnamurthy sir a Behaviour Rehabilitation Therapist who worked on her behaviours ...She developed self hitting and self biting by about 4 to 5 years and still has it rarely as over years she has also known to communicate it....All this her guru Krishnamurthy sir only has helped her....

He found out that she can write with help so trained me and her in that so we started the regular practice......

3. What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

The communication journey has been very tough with so many health, sensory issues. Sleepless nights and much more agony. Many times of her self behaviours, her writing had stopped...but it's a phase and then it starts . But as she is a very strong personality with her philosophy and ideology it's difficult to convince her and its always her way. Her communication has come a long way because of Krishnamurthy sir's training...Even today any doubt one phone call he clears doubts and gives tips...

The current school has started her training in Avaz and I am also learning it.. So Sahana tries to do in both note book and Avaz with my help....


4. Your advice for other parents, please..

All parents run behind speech therapist and centers aiming that overnight miracles happens and therapists can do all work. This isn't the truth. It's a long process of tireless efforts, patience, hard work and hope that things will fall in place. So instead of just waiting for them to do everything, please keep trying ways to make them communicate their needs, feelings by AAC, flash cards, typing or any ways as that's the only way to bring down their frustrations and behaviours... 

And as Sahana writes beyond a world of a activities there is a world of silence so accept it ...World will look more beautiful.....

Best wishes to new parents for a world of acceptance...

 Now, let's chat with the star of the interview - Sahana, a deep thinker.


1. How old are you, Sahana
Finding my age is not important than finding my calibre ..To really tell my age it's 13.

2. Please tell us about your school..
The school is Ekadaksha Learning Center. The teacher is Archana and Sumangali.

3. What are your favourite subjects/topics
The topic of truth seen and heard is not truth. But your conscience is the truth. Topic is not important but your truth is important.

4. Please tell us about your hobbies..
My hobbies are one to think and write and other is to eat many new food as me and mother love food .


5. How do you spend your day..
The best day to get is very difficult .The day starts with going to school and then reaching back, having lunch and going to sleep. Getting up and teacher comes home for class, that's it.

6. Do you enjoy going on vacations, please tell us about your recent or favourite vacation..
The normal answer you hear is not the truth. Find the correct answer through the behaviour. Really loved my recent vacation to Mumbai. Lots of new exposure to jack of many trades...


7. What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. Please share a few details. What inspires you to write.
The preferred mode is typing. Typing is easy to go and giving my opinions. Telling you to tell the things is done with typing. So it's good. The opinion of the people of known enough is my inspiration

8. How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book..
Yes I am good to be part of Talking Fingers. Yes good to be true in this study and good to be here for the next generation. Have a chance to talk through Avaz.

9. Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech...
The good part of communication is the thoughts are heard. Yes mother is my world and Appa is my need for a good friend so you both are the reason for communication.

I hope you enjoyed reading Sahana's thoughts and her family's journey. God bless you dear Sahana, may all your dreams come true. Do read our book - Talking Fingers Vol.2 to enter the world of non-speaking autistic individuals where silence speaks louder than words. You can purchase the book on all Amazon stores worldwide HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.