Friday, June 30, 2023

Autism In Heels



Autism In Heels - The untold story of a female life on the Spectrum is a best selling and multiple award winner book written by Jennifer cook O'Toole. She is the author of another best seller - Asperkids and a renowned international speaker and Autism advocate.

Jennifer got her diagnosis after all her three children and husband received their diagnosis. An immense desire to help her children navigate the life, led her to author the book - Asperkids. In this book, she shares many personal experiences from her life and in the process throws the spotlight on how Autism manifests similar yet different in ladies on the spectrum. Girls may not line up cars but may play with dolls in a regimented manner and devoid of imaginative play. Jennifer, rightly points out that girls, in general, are more emotionally mature than boys of the same age; are great at imitating peers and adults and good at masking from a young age - these are in fact the leading causes of why fewer girls are receiving their Autism diagnosis and the support they need. 

I found the chapters on empathy, synesthesia and executive functioning skills very insightful. The way she seamlessly blends deep personal stories and research is very interesting. Jennifer has a very high IQ and she repeatedly shares how in spite of being so smart, she is stupid in certain aspects of life because of her difficulties with cognitive empathy. At times, my heart broke reading about the repeated bullying, the struggle to socially fit in, faux pas in friendships, dating and other relationships. I truly admire her undying spirit and courage.

This is the fourth and final book review and my way to celebrate Autistic Pride as a month long event to learn from the real experts. Let's all work together to make the world a better place, that is more understanding and accepting of Autistic individuals.

You can purchase this book from Amazon India