Saturday, May 20, 2023

I have Autism And I Like To Play Good bad Tennis



I Have Autism And I Like To Play Good Bad Tennis - Vignettes and insights from my son's life;  book is authored by Mr. Debashis Paul and narrates the many incidents from his son, Noel's life. Noel Paul, with a bright smile and a ready song on his lips is the apple of his dad's eye and in this book, the father-son duo learn many life lessons from each other as they navigate the Autism maze. 

The author shares many heart warming incidents from his life and some them are unforgettable like the one where Noel on seeing that his dad is getting a blood test, volunteers to donate his blood instead of his dad's; because he doesn't want to see his dad in pain! Noel's philosophy of life is simple - he wants to do things he loves, not for accolades but just because he enjoys them. He didn't believe that being good or best in anything was the ultimate joy of life; instead his funda of doing something just for fun and loving his family and his teachers whole heartedly; are something we all can learn to imbibe. Throughout the book, we can see how his family supports Noel and offer him all the opportunities to blossom. They also learn many insights from Noel as he teaches that the most important aspects of life are the simple joys of life - food, music, love and laughter! The author shares many helpful parenting tips in this book.

I totally enjoyed the Noelisms, and I loved reading the many interesting insights into Noel's mind as he shares his unparalleled views of life and the world, his love of cars ( he treated them as friends), his love of music and how he would sing aloud a situationally appropriate song 😊

Though Noel is no longer with us, I believe that the ones we love live on forever in hearts and thoughts.

You can purchase this book on Amazon India