Friday, March 24, 2023

Good App - MindPal



MindPal is the latest app that has captured our attention and both of us - mom and son are busy trying to get higher scores😊

Our homeschooling curriculum places a lot of importance on building thinking skills and problem solving skills. MindPal app provides you with a personal training program that has 5 free games everyday. MindPal is an award winning app on both Apple and Google Play as well as The People's choice award at the International Mobile Gaming awards. 

The app comes with 40 brain games that help sharpen your cognitive skills - memory, attention, language and math skills. These games are super fun and provide just the right amount of challenge as they adapt to your performance. The in-depth insights at the end of the session track your score in these areas - Speed, Memory, Attention, Flexibility and Problem Solving. Let's take a look:

You can download the app and use the free version to play the daily five games. It is available on Google Play Store  and   Apple App Store