Thursday, November 17, 2022

Curious Times - Indian Newspaper For Kids



In this fast paced world where most of the news are often not fit for the child, finding a way to keep our children up to date with current news and happenings around the world is a difficult task. I was looking for a newspaper for kids that covers all major areas and is clean and easy to read. I came across - Curious Times and wanted to share this great find with you all.

Curious times is India's first news website for children. Their weekly newspaper is the one we use at home. This is free to read and has short articles that cover the following areas:

Current events
National and international news
Sports news
Science news
Technology news
Space news
Climate news as well as
Important days, dates and events.

It also features art and poetry of kids. 

In addition to this, you can access news by grade level on their website. Don't forget to check out the Funtastic section that features - Joke of the day, quote of the day and many more.