Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Autism World - Answering The Unanswered


Answering the unanswered - From Non-speaking to the voice of many is an awesome book written by an young Autistic, Navneet Kulkarni. This is the first book of its kind in India and kudos to his mom, Neha and the team of Segen cure for bringing out this book. They first conducted the webinars where Navneet answered the questions and clarified doubts of many parents of special needs children and later on compiled all that into a book. 

His writing is beautiful, eloquent and thought provoking to say the least. He encourages the parents to understand their child's behaviour and respect and accept their child as they are. He exhorts parents to stop seeing their child always through the Autistic lens and instead try to understand that every child has unique hobbies and interests. Navneet has achieved a lot in a short span of time. This is his second book, his autobiography was published in the Autism Parenting Magazine and The Autism Voice magazine. He writes many soul stirring poems and quotes; many of them were published both internationally and within India. In this book, the questions are organized by topics in separate chapters and include Autism and social anxiety, tantrums, parenthood, bonding with family and relatives, sensory system, spirituality, communication, Autistic mind, emotions, dealing with Autism and other questions.

Allow me to share a few of his quotes from the book :

"Non verbal is not a right word to label it for non-speakers. many children know how to speak but don't know how to communicate, do you all call them Non-communicator? Then how can you judge non-speakers as non verbal?"

" Hope always on abilities, you will see always opportunities
Disability is elimination of hope, so eliminate this label in your life."

" There may be many reasons for getting angry. Finding the reason behind it is very important. Keep your bonding strong with your child with more love and affection so that child can share their emotions with you. Use the language of love for communication."

Do read the book and I am sure you will love it as much as I did. You can purchase it on Amazon India