Friday, August 12, 2022

Talking Fingers - Meet Sherin Mary Zacharia

 In the second interview of the Talking Fingers Series, let's meet another author of our book - Sherin Mary Zacharia. Sherin is an amazing poet who writes words filled with lot of wisdom, understanding and appreciation of nature and humanity, a rare combination in a  twenty year old girl on the Autism spectrum. She is non-verbal, but her writings reflect her thoughts and touch your heart. 

Let’s get started by chatting with Sherin’s mother, Sangeetha.




Q) Please share your Autism journey with our readers...


This journey helped me and my husband Zacharia understand the true meaning and value of life. We supported each other in tough times and enjoyed every smile of our pretty girls. God has blessed us immensely when He gave Sherin , our non vocal autistic daughter , the ability to express herself in writing from a very young age. Sherin loves reading and writing most. Sherin writes regularly, English poetry  being her favorite.  You can find them in –

Sherin was encouraged continuously by Autism Club Ernakulam and parents of other autistic kids right from her young age. Now her poetry is noticed and appreciated  by  several eminent  Indian English poets. Their encouragement  and guidance  has helped her immensely.

My younger daughter Shreya and many of her friends, their parents and teachers appreciate Sherin for her writings.

My master’s voice Poem by Sherin

A new chewy toy

Pleasant days full of joy

Brushed white coat

Brisk walks along quiet by lanes.

My favourite spot near the bin

A quick pee, more run, then back.

Come Sundays

Grandpa took me to the ground

His old police life.

“Waltz! jump! roll! “

And a feast! juicy bones!

One more day; the maid has not shown up

I am hungry, my kennel smelly.

No one calls aloud “Waltz!”

Master, your newspaper

Shouldn’t I fetch?

A man walked in like a cat

Opened my kennel with a shout

Threw stones at me, it hurt

I wondered why, what for?

My calls for my master

His voice unheard.

With fear I walked off

No one called me back.

Silent was my house

Nowhere was grandpa

I walked, ran, never back.

I stood over the bridge

And looked down

The other dog was shaggy, mangy

It had no bone in its mouth.

One day I will hear my master’s voice

He would call out loud “Waltz”!

I will leap into his arms.


Sherin’s work was published in the book “Autistic Not Weird” by ANW community of London in 2016. 2017 gave big recognition for Sherin’s work when she won the award by National Trust in their Autistic marvel Talent Hunt. The award was presented at Vigyan Bhavan New Delhi by The Union Minster in the presence of several dignitaries. It was a dream like experience for us. Sherin also won first prize in the under 18 category in Asia region for the “Unseen and unspoken” poetry competition 2017 -held by the Common Wealth Youth Council. . Sherin successfully participated in National Poetry Writing Month held in April  of 2020,21,22   and got the certificates from The Significant League , an online community of poets.  Sherin is often invited to contribute for English poetry anthologies which she always does happily and after thorough preparation.   Writing, for Sherin, is breathing, her way of expressing her feelings and thoughts and emotions and ideas. We are happy and grateful if her writings make other people happy. She uses her computer or pen -paper or the smartphone screen or the AAC in her tab or even writing on my palm with her finger to communicate.

         I have seen the nasty face of autism in her when she had to suffer several 
co-morbid conditions of autism i.e., seizures, sleeplessness, social anxiety, extreme sadness etc. She springs back to her “super girl ” identity (that is what she calls herself) with her reading and writing.

It is a tremendous team work of family, friends, trainers, doctors, well wishers
and total strangers.

Sherins' poems published recently in The Rheotrica Quarterly journal published by English dept. University of Lucknow. The theme was disability :

                          Win I Will


There are these uncles and these aunts

Pretty cousins, petticoats they flaunt

Who can see everything; me they can’t

Nothing they expect in me; no they won’t.


What defines me? my personality?

Who measures my worth? my ability?

Manmade rules are for inequality

Myself I describe with my unique creativity.


Diminutive creation, they give me a sorry look

Every word hurt, from their mouth’s fish hook

Beyond walls of indifference their giggles shook

Yet deep in my smouldering heart, my poetry I cook.


World will one day know me as a poet

My verses will speak, strength my mind will set

My readers willingly will see my poems an asset

I can tell the world, now I have hit my target.



Q) What an inspiring and amazing journey. Your suggestions for other Autism parents..
Sometimes you may feel sad, miserable.... don’t give up. Do what you think will be
useful for your child. Support your child always.


Now let’s meet the star of the interview – Sherin.



Q) How old are you Sherin?


Q) What do you love most about life? 

My mysterious journey with my autism is what I love most about my life. It
makes me look like a superhero and a stupid at the same time. Most people
think I really do not have any goals in my life but sure I do have a wish. Writing 
gives wings to my thoughts. My autism gives my pen the power to use my so-
called disability to enable my fellow beings to live a meaningful life. Our world 
becomes only richer by the thoughts of  autistic people. 

Q) What are your hobbies Sherin, other than writing?
Music, long rides in my dad's car, good food

Q) How do you spend time with your sister?

we do online shopping. She helps me me to select my dresses.
We like visiting our grandparents' farm. There are so many trees and birds there.. we take care of our cat. We like to buy ice creams and share with each other.  Sometimes we fight but we love each other.


Q) Would you like to share your future plans with us Sherin....

When we want to make money, we think of a job.
But I want souls of people to change, to be more kind and loving to each other.
I need to grow in wisdom to write down my ideas to create a better world. My
words should become clearer. I need to read and observe the world more.

Q)I think very few people are as wise as you are dear Sherin. Would you like to share your experience of writing for the book Talking Fingers?

          It was so nice. Such innovative ideas help the world understand more about us. 


Last but not least, let’s meet Shreya, Sherin’s younger sister, her friend and
a perfect example of a special needs sibling.



Q) How old are you Shreya? What are you studying?
I am 15 years old . I am studying in std 11 in Bhavans Vidya Mandir school


Q) Do you enjoy spending time with your sister? Do you play together or enjoy any other hobby together? 

Yes I do enjoy  dining out ,we go to meet our grandparents and cousins ,we play with our cat Dussiya, we play word games, listen to poetry recitals  online together and we do many other things.

Q) Do you feel your sister gets more attention from your parents?

Yes sometimes I feel like that.
Q) Would you like to share your experience of being a special needs

Yes I would like to share my experience. Being a special needs sibling I get to know more about children like this. Like I get to know what all problems they face and get to know how blessed I am. It also helps me to help children like this when I see them. I am also happy that my sister faces everything bravely. 


Sherin has the gift of writing and the support of a wonderful loving family, I am
sure she will illuminate the world with her writings. God Bless You dear!

 I hope you liked reading this interview. Sixteen such amazing non-speaking autistics share their thoughts and insights in our book - Talking Fingers. You can purchase the book on 

 Amazon India

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.