Sunday, July 24, 2022

Play & Learn - Find The technology Game



Technology is an integral part of our lives. Teaching our kids about the many tech tools is an essential part of their education. But there are so many of them that I often wished there was a fun way to introduce them. As always,, came to the rescue! In this game, we ae reviewing today, there are two modes - Review and Search.

In the review mode, kids are introduced to various tech tools with a brief introduction. For example, for camera, there is an image and an a short note that explains that it is a device that records images in the form of photographs. There are 21 devices/tech tools in this game.

In the Search mode, there is a room full of devices/tech tools and your kiddo has to search for say, a computer mouse and then select the option that best describes it from among three:

- A little animal that squeaks when scared
- A battery that allows you to charge your computer and 
- A piece of hardware that is used to control the cursor on your computer screen.

Interesting, right? As well as challenging and fun. The search is also great for developing visual skills and thinking skills.

You can play this free game on