Thursday, June 16, 2022

Resources To Teach Self-Regulation Skills




Teaching Self-regulation and coping strategies for our children is a very essential skill that will help lead a better life. However, finding the correct resources to teach this tough skill is the challenge for parents and therapists. The three most often used programs throughout the world are :

Zones of regulation
The Incredible 5 point scale and
How does your engine run?

In this post, let's explore some of the digital resources developed by experienced teacher-authors. 

The above image is of - Self-regulation coping strategies developed by Basics.  This is a very  comprehensive digital resource that includes over 300 strategy cards to teach coping skills. 

The second resource is Car speeds workbook developed by All therapy resources and is compatible with How does your engine run program. 

This digital resource is good for a beginner learner as it helps them ease into the program by teaching about the different emotional states, matching scenarios, emotions and physical sensations to car speeds and many more. You can purchase this resource here:

The third resource is Anxiety coping strategies for older children and is developed by Basics. It includes social stories and explicit step by step directions to teach 7 coping strategies.

You can purchase this here