Friday, February 11, 2022

Picture The Sentence App



                Picture the Sentence app is developed by Hamaguchi apps, a well known therapist developed app brand. This app is particularly useful for children struggling with receptive language as it helps them picture the sentence and thereby vastly improves the comprehension. They say, a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is probably worth a lot more for our visual learners on the spectrum. Let's check out this app.


In the settings, you can select the Difficulty level, sentence types, wait time and visual cues and track progress of your kiddo. They are three levels - Easy, Intermediate and Advanced.

In the Easy level, the entire sentence is shown in pictures and after a set wait time, the kiddo has to choose the correct image matching the sentence from the options given.

In Intermediate level, each word of the sentence is shown as a separate picture one after another. After a set wait time, the kiddo has to string along the pictures to form a sentence and select the corresponding image from the options given. Great for developing visual memory!

I hope you got a good idea of the app from this review. There is a lite version of the app, in case you want to try it beforehand. You can purchase it on the Apple App Store

As always, do reach out to share your feedback and if you're looking for some other app for your kiddo, I would be happy to help!