Sunday, January 2, 2022

Life With An Autistic Son



Life with an Autistic son - a father's story is written by an anonymous author who introduces himself as B's dad. He is an avid blogger, who shares an weekly post on his popular blog and writes about life with an Autistic son, with all the blessings and trying moments! This book chronicles his journey from when B is around two years and his early school years. 

More often than not, when I am reading a book by a parent, I find myself nodding along, identifying the emotional journey; but it's a rare book like this one that made me nod, laugh, shed a tear and at times being overwhelmed by all the memories from our Autism journey so far. The author presents a candid picture of the myriad emotions from being unable to bond with his son to learning of his diagnosis to finding new ways to connect with him to difficulties in school to his worries about his son's future and many more. The best thing is that the author doesn't shy away from narrating the bad days, that are an inevitable part of our life. The days when we are not our best and say or do things that we regret. It is during those times that we should remember that we are doing our best to help our kid and one bad day/moment doesn't change the fact that we are a good parent. 

Before signing off, I would like to add some lessons from our journey. With the constant worry about Autism and schooling, special education and therapies and financial planning; we often forget to relax and enjoy the life. I agree life has changed a lot as an Autism/special needs parent, but still try to find ways to be happy and grateful for the small blessings in our lives. Another thing I wanted to add is that try not to worry too much about how your family and extended family and friends fail to understand your journey. Family is where bonds are from the heart and there is no judgement and tons of encouragement. If you're able to find this in your family, good but if you're not able to get this support from them, don't worry. This journey will help you to meet and connect with new parents and some wonderful therapists who will be your new family!!

You can purchase this book from Amazon India