Saturday, October 9, 2021

Solving Executive Function Challenges



Solving Executive Function Challenges - Simple ways to get kids with Autism Unstuck and on Target book is written by Lauren Kenworthy and Laura Anthony, who have a combined experience of nearly four decades helping kids on the Autism spectrum overcome their challenges, especially, executive function challenges. This is one book I have been waiting to read for a while and I have to say, it not only lives up to my expectations but exceeds them by a mile! 

This book focuses on three specific and very essential aspects for our children. First one is learning to become a more flexible, independent and successful problem solver. Second one is developing tools to self-regulate and self-advocate in a more effective way and the third one is learning to use a framework for solving difficult situations. 

The first chapter introduces us to Executive Function as a set of brain-based abilities that help people control their behaviour and includes several aspects such as Initiation, Inhibition, Flexibility, Working memory, Organization, Planning and Self-monitoring. The second chapter introduces us to the - Unstuck and On Target program that helps children learn :

1. Flexibility or how to handle unexpected events or unexpected demands more easily
2. Goal setting or how to see the 'big picture', make long term goals and avoid distractions and
3. making and checking plans or how to organize the steps necessary to accomplish a goal or task.

The authors emphasize the use of four teaching methods to accomplish these goals - Memorize and repeatedly use scripts and key words ( an excellent collection of key words is provided for a myriad of everyday situations) ; Teach by doing; Make it fun and use visual supports.  These topics are explained in great detail in separate chapters.

The sixth chapter - Troubleshooting, covers solutions for eight common problems commonly faced by parents and teachers and offers some amazing solutions. Some of them are keeping it positive by keeping the praise to command/reprimand ratio 4:1, four times praise for every command/reprimand. I think we could all use a dose of positive thinking in our lives. Parents, take a deep breath and think of all the good work you have accomplished so far! Others problems covered are avoiding overload, breaking it down to simpler steps, taking care of ourselves, differentiating between what a child can't do vs won't do and having coping strategies ready; among others.

The appendix has some really good examples of Mission possible worksheets that help you to teach your young one to set a goal, have alternate plans A,B,C,D; Checking out which plan was used and whether it helped him/her accomplish the goal and how it went.

I hope you found this book review helpful, please use the contact form on the blog to reach out. You can purchase this book on Amazon India