Friday, March 5, 2021

Autism World - Teaching Myself To See


Teaching Myself To see is the latest book written by one of my favourite authors - Tito Rajrishi Mukhopadhyay. This book is not strictly autobiographical, but provides a window in to the beautiful mind and how he processes the world around him. I have always loved Tito's poems, but in this book, even the text is poetic! The book takes you in to a magical poetic world and wraps you in deep philosophical thoughts and a unique way of seeing the world. It's like he is asking us to see the world through his eyes and his senses and understand how rich, beautiful and deep it is!

Tito talks about how his vision can be both hyper visual by narrating how he processes art and hypo - visual too. He loves shadows and I particularly loved his thought where he stated that 'in a shadow, all men and women are equal, irrespective of their skin colour, social status, and how neurotypical or atypical they are. Shadows don't judge and treat a king and a pauper equally!'

He also talks about his Synesthesia ( where senses blend together and interact leading to unique experience like ability to taste colour and so on). He also shares a few snippets about his childhood in India and seamlessly blends it with his life in USA; like his experience with water and how it shapes his thought process even now.

If you ever wonder, like I do, about what your child is thinking and experiencing when he/she is involved in the rituals or stims; read this book. It will open your eyes.

I just finished reading this book by Tito and I am already looking forward to reading his next book. God Bless You Tito, keep writing books and enlightening us!

You can purchase this book on Amazon India