Thursday, February 15, 2018

ActiviTEA - website with wonderful printables



AvtiviTEA is an amazing website with an awesome collection of very useful printables for our children. You must be wondering why am I praising this website so much? Well, let me elaborate on their collection of free printables and you will definitely agree with me that all the praise is well deserved. This is a Spanish website and you will have to use the translate option in your browser.


Under their Printables and Ideas section, there are many free printables that you can download and print. Let’s take a look at some of the categories in this section :


Visual Acuity



Double Entry – Emotions












Remember this activity  – Hands-On Learning : Logic Colours With Sticks, that I wrote about long back, but is still one of the more popular posts on my blog – it is from the logic section of the ActiviTEA website!



There are many more categories in this section such as Dominoes, Imitation, Shapes, Flash cards, Memory, Colours, Card games and more. Don’t forget to check out the Handmade and personalized games section of the website. A huge thank you to the creators of this website and for making many of these printables free! Go check out the website without any further delay: