Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hands-On Learning : Logic Colours With Sticks

jeu de logique avec des bâtonnets et des gommettes:

This activity is one of my personal favourites. The link I shared above will take you to a Spanish website which shared this activity. I could’t translate it, but the image was pretty self – explanatory, so tried it out at home and we loved it! You just need plain Popsicle sticks, paper and sketch pens for this activity. We got popsicle sticks from here :

Take a white paper and using sketch pens, draw circles in colours and fill them completely as shown in the image above. We made four /five rows of such coloured circles. Next take plain popsicle sticks and draw these circles patterns matching the ones on the paper. The kid has to match the patterns on the stick with an exact match on the paper. Better start off with two or three circles to match horizontally and you can make it as complex as you want by choosing alphabets/numbers/words/shapes, instead of circles. The beauty of this activity is that you can make it as simple or as complex as needed to match your child.

This activity is very good for your kiddo and develops visual tracking skills, thinking skills and problem solving skills.

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