Saturday, April 20, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Dyutit Gopinathan

Dear readers and friends, Talking Fingers co-author series is almost reaching an end but your love and support for our co-authors means a world to us. It encourages us to reach for greater heights and fills us with renewed energy to carry forward the self-advocacy so that we can create a better tomorrow for everyone. Today, let's meet our co-author, Dyutit and his parents - Mini Dwivedi Gopinathan, Suresh Babu Gopinathan and his little sister Devna. Let's chat with the parents:


Q1: Please share your autism journey with us...

A: “As parents, when Dyutit was diagnosed with autism, our world shifted in unexpected ways. We found ourselves on a path we hadn't anticipated, filled with uncertainty and questions. But amidst the chaos, we discovered a newfound purpose—to create a sanctuary where families like ours could thrive. Thus, PlayStreet Specially Abled Educare Trust was born, a beacon of hope and acceptance in a world of challenges.”

Q2: How did you develop communication skills in Dyutit?

A: “Communication became the cornerstone of Dyutit's growth. From the earliest days, we knew that understanding his unique voice was essential. Through sensory integration and innovative tools like PlayTalk, we embarked on a journey of connection. With patience and dedication, we unlocked the door to his inner world, fostering a symphony of understanding amidst the challenges of autism.”

Q3: What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them?

A: “Our journey with Dyutit has been filled with hurdles, from dyspraxia to panic attacks. Each obstacle presented a new challenge, but with resilience and love, we faced them head-on. Through understanding and perseverance, we overcame hurdles, forging a path of growth and empowerment for Dyutit and ourselves.”

Q4: Your advice for other parents, please.

A: “To fellow parents on a similar journey, we offer this advice: believe in your child. Embrace acceptance, champion differences, and foster connection. Through coregulation and unwavering support, you can nurture your child's potential and foster a symphony of growth and understanding. Remember, you are not alone—embrace the journey, and let love be your guide.

This journey with Dyutit has taught us more than we could have imagined. Through challenges and triumphs, we've grown as parents and as individuals, guided by the unwavering love we have for our son. As we continue on this path, we hold fast to the belief that with love, understanding, and acceptance, anything is possible.”

Now, let's meet the star of the interview - Dyutit


Q1: How old are you, Dyutit?

A: "I am 17 years old."

Q2: Please tell us about your school.

A: "I go to PlayStreet. It's big, and I love coming here because I can learn and have fun with everyone. Everyone is very helpful and loves me for who I am. They've always helped me get things across even when it is difficult at times. I have learned many things here. My favorite is learning to type."

Q3: What are your favorite subjects/topics?

A: "I used to like science, but now I want to read real-life stories."

Q4: Please tell us about your hobbies. What inspires you to write?

A: "My hobbies are typing my thoughts, watching movies, and painting. I want people to understand what I think. I want to communicate with the entire world."

Q5: How do you spend your day?

A: "I have spent my days learning new things. I like to sleep, paint, sometimes play by myself, and watch videos."

Q6: Do you enjoy going on vacations ... Please tell us about your recent or favorite vacation.

A: "Yes, I like to go for vacations. In Pondicherry, I played in water and laughed a lot with papa and Devna. I like fun in the mall on trampolines on Sundays. I like the sky when I went to the forest with my family. I liked the cold mountains in Kashmir."



Q7: What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing? Please share a few details.

A: "Typing. Because I am not confident in writing as I feel everyone judges that and corrects it on paper, so typing calms me down."

Q8: How was the experience of being a co-author in the Talking Fingers book?

A: "Nice, I have liked the experience. I talked for all the nonverbal dyspraxic talent in the book. Echoes are not spoken; they are sounds of my voiceless friends."

Q9: Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech?

A: "I feel even non-verbal individuals want to play, dance, and laugh, so why is not having a voice stopping them? I can have other ways of communicating to tell how I feel, how I want my life to brim like it’s my way… I like speech, voiceless!"

Dyutit's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that exist within every individual. To read his responses and get to know sixteen such powerful self advocates, please buy and read our book - Talking Fingers. It's available in all Amazon stores worldwide, both as a paperback and kindle version - HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.