Friday, March 22, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Satvik Sharma

 Dear friends, as we carry forward our journey of meeting the co-authors of the second volume of Talking Fingers, it makes me so happy to read your messages sent by email conveying how these interviews are motivating and inspiring you. Let's meet Satvik this week and know more about this wonderful family by chatting with his parents - Shailja and Satyavrat Sharma.



Q) Please share your autism journey with us...

The journey has been a sign curve . Satvik was born a happy healthy cheerful child meeting all milestones till around 18 months that he started losing the words he had acquired ,stopped responding to name calling and toe walking started . Yet he carried a confident look and always showed intelligence.

Slowly the words got limited to mama , papa , ......on the other hand his observation skills continued to get sharper. He would draw certain line sketches which took us time to understand that it was the sketch of roads that he travelled.
then came the diagnosis of autism with huge stress .
After a while we kept the diagnosis a side and started working on his strengths  .From struggling to make him write by either left or right hand we left him free to choose as per his will only to find he was ambidextrous  . slowly he started painting beautiful abstracts and was recognised by professional curators followed by AIIMS and the Delhi government

Q)How did you develop communication skills in Satvik..

 Communication was giving us a hard time , flash cards etc were a big no no . He was totally disinterested in writing .we got him an ipad  .When he showed some interest and got comfortable with it we started with rial version of Avaz .From trial version to full version and since then there has been no looking back.

Q)  What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

The stagnant mindset that children with autism are incompetent has been the biggest hurdle for every small activity had to convince , fight or prove that he has the ability and that he can and now see he is doing it .
People speaking ill about him in front of him or giving him weird looks were extremely disturbing.
To overcome all this the determination to prove competence made way ; ignoring every odd gaze and working  extensively with him.

Q)Your advice for other parents, please..

 Have confidence in your child and in your parenting and always seek justice. Equity and Equality are your child's rights. Please leave no stone unturned to bring the best not just for your child but for creating an inclusive society .

         Now, let's meet the star of the interview - Satvik


Q) How old are you, Satvik?
I am 19 years old

Q) Please tell us about your school..

I was in Air Force golden jubilee institute, Subroto part, New Delhi.
    A school that taught me discipline along with a lot of other things. The only collared shirt that I wore was the school uniform .Huge class rooms and amazing play ground and camera eyes of the headmaster were fun. Often during summers my ears would turn red and I would then sit at the headmaster's room to get some AC air  .

Q) What are your favourite subjects/topics..

 Painting is my favourite subject. I love abstract art . 

Q)Please tell us about your hobbies. Do write about your art, what inspires you and what is your preferred medium. 

 Painting , cycling, listen to music are my hobbies .I am learning to swim.
I like to play with colours on canvas . Bigger the canvas  the more I enjoy.
I use both hands .Mostly it is my mood that makes me paint .
I love acrylic and water colours .


Q) How do you spend your day..

I go to the stadium . I run . ( Swimming - break due to winter) 
I read a little
I do typing -Mom wants me to type anything from the daily newspaper.
I paint when I wish. I go out for cycling . I spend sometime in kitchen arranging things.


Q)  Do you enjoy going on vacations, please tell us about your recent or favourite vacation..

 I am always excited for vacations ,long drives , trains , aeroplane or even helicopter are fun .
Udaipur trip is my favourite vacation .It had the train journey for reaching , long drives for going in and around the city ,boat ride and return by aeroplane 
Saw beautiful palaces with huge paintings and lovely lakes . At one place saw group of fish coming so close to eat food that I sprinkled for them

Q) What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. Please share a few details.

I usually type the icons to communicate so if I want juice -on my iphone or ipad I type the icon for juice  🧃🧃🧃
similarly 🚘 for going out🏞️
if i see a bird🐦

Q) How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book..

I am elated . I wish icons were allowed for the book . 😌😌
The book has given me confidence and pride. At world book fair being a co author was a wonderful feeling.


Q) Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech...

 It is extremely important .without communication people feel you are no more than a vegetable and one feels irritated when unable to convey why, what, where, when and more.

   I hope you find this as inspiring as I do. God bless you dear Satvik, may all your dreams come true. Do buy our book to meet sixteen such awesome non-speaking autistic advocates who will win your heart. Our book is available both as a paperback and kindle edition in all Amazon stores worldwide HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.