Friday, March 15, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Saksham Gupta

                     Hi friends, it's time to meet another co-author - Saksham and his parents Vandana and Amit Gupta.


1. Please share your autism journey with us.

Our journey with Autism started when Saksham was 20 months. We noticed some unusual patterns in him; he was not giving eye contact, not responding to name and lining up things . And then came the diagnosis. Earlier we were confused and in a non accepting stage. Gradually started the therapies and wandering from one place to another. When Saksham turned 6 me ( Vandana, Saksham's mom) realised that I need to be an important part of his plan and lead the road ahead and the journey of empowerment began while I got educated learning from senior parents and volunteering at different centers.  Once I got confidence in myself we started Saksham's Homeschooling journey of 4 years . These were the precious years where together we the parents and Saksham grew together. In 2018 we joined Sunrise Learning and from then onwards we have been an instrument in not only empowering and working for Saksham but many other children in school and their families. Saksham can communicate his basic needs and for expressive speech he uses Avaz or typing as  communication mode, He will be appearing for NIOS secondary exam this year 2024 and is excelling well in most of the areas.

2. How did you develop communication skills in Saksham.

Saksham has need based one word communication but that was also with prompts. In 2015 I came across Avaz and we started using Avaz to communicate more meaningfully. It started with needs and then we expressed feelings and gradually he started to communicate using typing (keyboard) mode on Avaz. Now he can communicate to an extent with typing.

3. What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

The biggest hurdle was us . We were always in denial phase and were waiting for someone else to do the magic. The day we accepted him being different and learnt that it is only us ( family me , Saksham and his dad) who have the power to do the magic things started changing. Self empowerment and acceptance brought a big change.


4. Your advice for other parents, please..

Believe in you and your child. Don't wait for magic to happen . Be the magician , accept unconditionally and the road ahead will get clear by itself.


Now, let's meet the star of the interview - Saksham 

1. How old are you, Saksham..
I am 15 years old.

2. Please tell us about your school..
I study in Sunrise Learning Noida. I like my teachers and friends. I like going to school. 


3. What are your favourite subjects/topics?
I like reading and browsing about medicines and Home Remedies. My favourite topic is How to cure common pains, cold and fever.
4. Please tell us about your hobbies. 
I like playing games in computer.

5. How do you spend your day..
I wake up by 7:30 AM get ready .
I go to to school at 9 AM. Come back by 6 , Drink tea, then me and mamma study together, after that we all ( papa, me and mamma) go for walk, I watch YouTube , have dinner and then we sleep around 11 PM.

6. Do you enjoy going on vacations, please tell us about your recent or favourite vacation..
Yes I like vacations. We went up Manali in last summer. I liked Atal Tunnel.


7. What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. Please share a few details.
Typing , I like typing, I am very fast in typing . Whenever I want to know about anything I type and Google it. I also type when I feel frustrated or irritated.
8. How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book..
It was good. I liked it .

9. Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech...
People understand every communication. When I can tell what I feel it makes me feel good.

         Every journey shared is an inspiration for other parents and this interview was honest and inspiring. God bless you dear Saksham, may all your dreams come true. Do read our book - Talking Fingers vol.2 to meet 16 such beautiful souls whose resilience is an inspiration. You can purchase the book on all Amazon stores worldwide HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.