Friday, February 9, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Ritwick Guptaa

The third interview in the Talking Fingers Vol.2 series introduces us to Ritwick and his amazing parents - Barnali and Samir Ranjan Gupta as they share how they navigated the life after Autism diagnosis and overcame the many hurdles on their way.


        Q)Please share your autism journey with us.


Ritwick was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 02 years 10 months. After that he was first intervened by Mrs Indrani Basu, Chairperson, Autism Society, West Bengal and the journey continued with Special Education, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Sensory Integration etc, alongside Regular schooling upto Class – II, at North Bengal. As he could not cope up thereafter, he was admitted in a Special School and he studied there, although intermittently, ‘till outbreak of Covid. We also started taking help initially from Late Dr Arun Mukherjee, Udaan, New Delhi, followed by various teachers like Dr Sikha Sawhney Kapoor for Occupational Therapy,  Dr Priank Bhutani for Speech Therapy, Mr Vikas Ray & Mrs Chandasmita Das of Learning Ladder for Special Education, to name a few. Dr Amit Sen, Children’s First, New Delhi looked after his medicinal support for years. Since childhood, we enrolled him in Music classes, Drawing Classes, Computer Classes, Swimming etc, besides his Home based Training. Since mid-2021, he started attending on-line Painting Classes from Mr Rahul Thakur and Mrs Vinita Thakur and started showing interest. Few of his paintings have already been sold to different organisations and individuals. Around same time he also started learning to use “Avaz” for communications and thus, our journey with Autism continues……

Q) How did you develop communication skills in Ritwick.

He is largely non-verbal, and communicates through Typing and Avaz app. Initially he started communicating through pictures and gestures. For a long time, he used Picture Exchange Communication System. However, even now he prefers to communicate through gestures and by speaking few words. His reading has improved quite remarkably in last few years both in English and Bengali, his mother tongue and that helps him to communicate better. His typing skill graph is also moving upward, although slowly, which enhances his ability to reply.

Q) What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

Due to his father’s job profile, he was re-located many a times, which unfortunately prevented him to continue with the same school / teachers for long. Again, during prolonged Strike in Darjeeling in 2017 and Covid Pandemic in 2020 /21, he was confined to bungalows and his learning graph suffered, besides coming up with various behavioural issues.  Thus, his on-line classes started, which helped him immensely. However, being in different places and Bungalows in North Bengal, in picturesque place, also made him confident, social, easy acclimatisation to varied situations and appreciate nature. Medicinal support also keeps his anxiety & behavioural issues under control.


      Q) Please share your advice for other parents..

Accept him or her, as they are. Please presume competence in your child. Have faith in Almighty and never stop dreaming. Celebrate all their achievements – big or small. Also, please do not shy away from taking medicinal help under Doctor’s advice. That helps our children to remain calm and composed, to a large extent.

Let's get to know the star of the interview - Ritwick






Q) How old are you, Ritwick.         

              I am 17 years old.

Q) Please tell us about your school and homeschooling.   

          I went to Goodricke School for Special Education, Siliguri and learnt a lot at Home from my mother and on-line classes.

Q) What are your favourite subjects/topics  

              Bengali and Computer.

Q) Please tell us about your hobbies. Do write about your art..Especially what inspires you and what is your preferred medium.     

           I love going for Walk and Gym. I enjoy Painting. My preferred medium is Acrylic on Canvas. Nature inspires me most. Beautiful scenery and Rivers. I want to learn Oil Painting now.


Q) How do you spend your day...                                                                                                          Painting, spending time with Maa, going out for walk, watching YouTube, listening to music and studying with Maa.

Q) Do you enjoy going on vacations, please tell us about your recent or favourite vacation.  

          Yes, I enjoy going on vacations. My recent vacation was in Europe. Favourite destinations are Switzerland and Venice.


Q) What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. 

         Avaz, Typing. But, I want to write as well.

Q) How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book.  

             It feels nice if you can talk about yourself. I can see my name and photo printed in a book.

Q)Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech.                                    Speech is difficult. I can express my needs, emotions through typing, gestures, pictures, Avaz App.

          Dear Ritwick, may God fulfill all your dreams and bless you with happiness and success in all your endeavours. Do read our book - Talking Fingers to understand the thoughts and feelings of 16 such beautiful souls. It's available in all Amazon stores worldwide HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.