Friday, February 2, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Amrit Khurana

    Dear friends, let's meet another co-author family of Talking Fingers Vol.2 today. Amrit is a gifted artist and renowned for her amazing art. Her mother, Aarti Khurana and sister, Arpit are joining us today to share their inspiring journey and nuggets of wisdom.


 Q) Please share your autism journey with us...

Ans- My journey as the mother of an autistic young adult has been a roller coaster of emotions, challenges, and ultimately, a profound journey of acceptance and peace. When my child was younger, I noticed differences in behavior and development, but I couldn't quite pinpoint what was going on. Not knowing about autism led to confusion, despair, and a sense of isolation.

In the early stages, I grappled with a mix of emotions — sadness, frustration, and a feeling of helplessness. I didn't understand why my child struggled with certain social interactions, had sensory sensitivities, and displayed repetitive behaviors. The lack of awareness about autism in my life and community only intensified these feelings.

In my quest for answers, I delved into researching and seeking advice from various professionals. The uncertainty of not knowing what was affecting my child fueled a fervent desire for a cure or a miraculous intervention. I found myself hoping for solutions that would make everything "normal," and I held on to the belief that a breakthrough was just around the corner.

This journey took me through religious and spiritual quests as well. I sought solace in faith, praying for a miracle that would bring about a transformative change in my child's life. I explored alternative therapies and practices, hoping that they would provide the answers I longed for. As time passed, it became evident that Amrit's journey was unique, and trying to fit her into societal norms or predetermined expectations only added to the struggles. The turning point came when I began to understand and accept autism for what it is—an integral part of my daughter's identity.

Acceptance was not an instant realization; it was a gradual process that required shedding preconceived notions and embracing the beautiful uniqueness of my child. It involved educating myself about autism, connecting with other parents on similar journeys, and learning to appreciate the strengths that come with neurodiversity.

With acceptance came a sense of peace. I let go of the constant pursuit of a cure and began to focus on understanding and supporting Amrit in her own way. I found joy in celebrating her achievements, no matter how small, and appreciating the world from their perspective. Embracing autism allowed me to build a stronger connection with her, fostering a relationship built on love, understanding, and acceptance.

While challenges still arise, the foundation of acceptance has provided stability and resilience. I've come to realize that Amrit's journey with autism is a unique and valuable experience, and her presence in my life has enriched it in ways I could never have imagined. The peace that comes with acceptance has transformed our family's narrative, turning what was once a source of despair into a journey of love, growth, and profound understanding.

Q) How did you develop communication skills in Amrit?

Ans- Developing communication skills in a young adult with autism, such as Amrit, requires a patient, individualized approach that takes into consideration their unique needs, preferences, and challenges. Here's a glimpse into how I navigated this journey with Amrit:

Understanding Amrit's Communication Style:

  • I took the time to observe and understand Amrit's preferred communication style. Some individuals with autism may use non-verbal communication, such as gestures, pictures, or written words, while others may struggle with verbal communication.

Visual Supports:

  • Recognizing that many individuals with autism are visual learners, I incorporated visual supports into our communication strategies. This included visual schedules, social stories, or using pictures to aid understanding.

Social Skills Training:

  • Amrit participated in social skills training, which focused on teaching and practicing appropriate social behaviors, including verbal and non-verbal communication. Role-playing and real-life scenarios were valuable components of this training.

Speech and Language Therapy:

  • Amrit received regular speech and language therapy from professionals experienced in working with individuals on the autism spectrum. These sessions targeted specific communication goals and worked on improving both receptive and expressive language skills.

Creating a Communication-Friendly Environment:

  • I worked on creating an environment that supported communication. This included minimizing sensory distractions, providing a quiet space when needed, and ensuring that communication opportunities were embedded into daily activities.

Patience and Positive Reinforcement:

  • Patience was key in the process. I celebrated small victories, provided positive reinforcement, and maintained a supportive attitude to encourage Amrit's efforts in communication.

Building on Interests:

  • Recognizing and incorporating Amrit's interests into communication activities helped to engage her. For instance, if she displayed a special interest in a particular topic, I would use that interest as a bridge to communication.

Collaborating with Professionals:

  • I collaborated closely with professionals, including speech therapists, behavioral therapists, and educators. Their expertise and guidance played a crucial role in tailoring communication strategies to Amrit's specific needs.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

  • I remained flexible and adaptable in the communication strategies used. What worked one day might not work the next, so being open to trying different approaches was important.

  •           The journey to developing communication skills in Amrit is ongoing and dynamic. It requires a deep understanding of her unique strengths and challenges, a commitment to ongoing learning, and a recognition that progress may take time. Most importantly, it is about fostering a communication-rich environment built on trust, understanding, and love.

Q) What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

Ans- The journey of raising a young adult with autism, like Amrit, has been marked by various hurdles. Overcoming these challenges required resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to Amrit's well-being. Here are some of the hurdles I faced and how I worked to overcome them:

Limited Resources and Awareness:
One significant hurdle was the limited availability of resources and awareness in the community about autism. Overcoming this required proactive efforts to seek out information, connect with advocacy groups, and actively participate in workshops and training sessions to expand my knowledge.

Navigating the Educational System:
The educational system presented its own set of challenges. I faced the need to advocate for Amrit's specific needs, collaborate with teachers, and ensure that the learning environment was conducive to her success. I sought guidance from special education professionals and engaged in open communication with the school staff.

Social Isolation and Stigma:
Social isolation and stigma were emotional hurdles. It was challenging to deal with judgmental attitudes or lack of understanding from others. To overcome this, I actively engaged in raising awareness about autism within my community, helping to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Behavioral Challenges:
Like many individuals with autism, Amrit faced behavioral challenges. Addressing these challenges involved working closely with behavioral therapists, implementing consistent strategies at home, and seeking professional guidance to understand the underlying reasons for specific behaviors.

Transition to Adulthood:
The transition to adulthood posed a unique set of challenges, including finding appropriate support services and helping Amrit navigate the complexities of adult life. Establishing connections with organizations specializing in supporting adults with autism and seeking guidance from transition planning experts were crucial steps.

Communication Barriers:
Communication barriers were persistent, requiring ongoing efforts to enhance Amrit's communication skills. It involved adjusting communication strategies, introducing new tools and methods, and maintaining patience as Amrit continued to develop her own unique ways of expressing herself.

Balancing Independence and Support:
Balancing the need for independence with the necessary support was a delicate challenge. It requires continuous assessment of Amrit's abilities, setting realistic goals, and providing the appropriate level of support to promote growth and autonomy.

Dealing with Unpredictability:
The unpredictable nature of autism meant that what worked one day might not work the next. Flexibility and adaptability became essential in overcoming this challenge. I learned to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and adjustment.

Coping with Emotional Strain:
The emotional strain of the journey was an ongoing challenge. Seeking support from friends, family, and support groups, as well as prioritizing self-care, became crucial in maintaining emotional well-being.

Financial Strain:
The financial strain associated with therapies, interventions, and support services was a practical hurdle. Seeking financial assistance, exploring available community resources, and advocating for accessible services were important in addressing this challenge.
Overcoming these hurdles required a combination of education, advocacy, resilience, and a deep commitment to Amrit's growth and well-being. Each challenge was an opportunity for learning and growth, both for Amrit and for me as a parent. The journey is ongoing, but the progress made has been a testament to the power of persistence, love, and a supportive community.


Q) Please do share your advice for other parents.

Ans- As a parent on a journey with a child with autism, here are some pieces of advice based on my experiences:

Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about autism spectrum disorder, its characteristics, and the various ways it can manifest. Understanding your child's unique strengths and challenges is crucial for effective support.

Build a Support System: Connect with other parents, support groups, and organizations that specialize in autism. Building a support system can provide valuable insights, emotional support, and a sense of community.

Advocate for Your Child: Be an advocate for your child's needs within educational and community settings. Work closely with teachers, therapists, and other professionals to ensure that your child receives the appropriate support and accommodations.

Celebrate Small Victories: Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small. Recognize and appreciate the progress your child makes, whether it's in communication, social skills, or daily tasks. Positive reinforcement is powerful.

Embrace Flexibility: Embrace flexibility in your expectations and plans. Autism can bring unpredictability, and being adaptable helps in navigating the challenges that may arise.

Prioritize Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. Balancing the demands of parenting a child with autism can be overwhelming, so make self-care a priority to ensure you have the energy and resilience needed.

Seek Professional Guidance: Collaborate with professionals, including therapists, educators, and medical professionals. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and strategies for supporting your child's development.

Focus on Strengths: Recognize and nurture your child's strengths and interests. Building on these positive aspects can boost their confidence and contribute to their overall well-being.

Promote Independence: Encourage independence based on your child's abilities. Providing opportunities for autonomy fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

Celebrate Neurodiversity: Embrace the concept of neurodiversity, recognizing that differences in neurological functioning are a natural and valuable part of human diversity. Celebrate your child's uniqueness and help them thrive in their own way.

Be Patient and Persistent: Progress may come at its own pace, and setbacks may occur. Be patient with the process and persistent in your efforts to support your child's growth and development.

Foster a Positive Environment: Create a positive and inclusive environment at home. A supportive and loving atmosphere can make a significant impact on your child's overall well-being.

Remember, every child with autism is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Trust your instincts as a parent, stay open to learning, and cherish the journey of growth and discovery with your child. It's a journey that, despite its challenges, can be filled with love, joy, and countless moments of connection.

        Now let's chat with the star of the interview - Amrit


Q) How old are you, Amrit..
I am 30 years old.

Q) Please tell us about your school..
I am at Pathways Noida. I love Pathways Noida. I love school.

Q) What are your favourite subjects/topics?

Q) Please tell us about your hobbies. Do write about your art, what inspires you and what is your preferred medium. How does it feel when your art is appreciated by many..
        I love art. I like to paint. I like nature. I draw figurative abstract. I use acrylic on paper. I like appreciation.


Q) How do you spend your day..
I do art, house work, exercise treadmill.

Q) Do you enjoy going on vacations, please tell us about your recent or favourite vacation..
I like Dehradun, mausi house. I liked Goa. I like beach. I like holidays. I like Carnatic Cafe restaurant.

Q) What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. 
I type.

Q) How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book..
You allowed me to talk, type and you heard me.

The interview would be incomplete without meeting Arpit, Amrit's sister and her friend.

Q) Please tell us a little bit about yourself, what are you studying and do share your hobbies..  
      I am Arpit, Amrit's younger sister. I'm currently in my second year of college and in my free time I love to watch movies and read books. I also love going on long walks and exploring my surroundings.

Q) How was the experience of growing up with Amrit, please share your thoughts..
            Honestly, I am not sure how to answer this because it isn't anything different from growing up with a 'normal' siblings. Even though Amrit is mostly non-verbal and 11 years older in age, we've had a good share of fights, we've also bonded and found activities we like to do together and we've collectively kept secrets together as well, like sneaking out of our rooms to eat dessert late at night. While we cannot communicate as descriptively, I think that has enabled me to interpret her emotions very differently. A lot of it is intuitive but I've also noticed that as siblings we are a lot more receptive to each other and Amrit is more open to trying things if I do them with her. I first began teaching her how to use her IPad when we were kids and now she is completely technologically proficient on her own. I would say growing up with Amrit is like growing up with any sibling and there isn't anything 'different' about it except the mental barriers that people impose on us most times. And maybe the switch between the responsibilities of age because I took on the eldest child role much earlier due to circumstances.

Q) Your advice for other siblings please..
            I think being patient and receptive is really all that is needed. Of course depending on age and maturity you will get frustrated or feel helpless at times but all you can do is let your sibling know they are loved and extend compassion. It's tough for your sibling as well, and you can only get through it together.

               God bless you dear Amrit as you climb the ladder of success as an accomplished artist. You are blessed with an amazing family who love and support you unconditionally and I am sure you have the blessings of everyone reading this interview.

         Amrit and 15 other non-speaking autistic individuals have shared their thoughts in our book, please read and share your thoughts. You can purchase it HERE and in all Amazon stores worldwide.


DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.