Saturday, May 18, 2024

Autism World - Bond Beyond Words


Bond Beyond Words : The Unspoken Conversations is written by Ritu Rassay and Akshat Rassay. Mom and son duo share their journey through conversations. I had the honour of editing this book. Let's hear from Akshat as he introduces the book in his own words:

It was a freeing moment when my thoughts started the journey of expression. The mind sparked the thoughts and fuelled the words. Bond Beyond Words is surely an intriguing tale of my expressions.

The book is a heartfelt narration of my thoughts and feelings in the form of conversations, held between mom and me.

It also covers my communication journey (how I learned to communicate using AAC apps and typing). Being a non-speaking autistic, I always believe mind matters. Every human being possess thinking abilities irrespective of other abilities. Thinking is mindfulness and expression is feeling so calm.

This book is a collective effort of my mamma and me. I wanted that my thoughts should be shared. Yes If I get a chance, I will write more."

                       The book has two parts, part 1 is the journey and details the inception of their life long journey from autism diagnosis to understanding his unique needs and learning to support him. In the second part, that is the heart of the book - The unspoken conversations, Ritu and Akshat share their conversations on various topics like sensory revelations, perspective thinking, mindfulness, dealing with difficult emotions and many more.

               The most important takeaway from the book is the way Ritu treats her son as an adult and a friend. Give them love, respect, a means to communicate, quality time and unwavering support and watch the bloom and shine! God bless you Akshat, may all your dreams come true!

         You can purchase the book on Amazon HERE