Saturday, March 2, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Srijan Sengupta

 Dear readers, as promised we are back and today we meet the other twin - Srijan Sengupta and get to know his journey from his mom, Madhumitha Sengupta.



1.      Please share your autism journey with us.

At first I got somewhat shocked to hear my son was autistic. Then I recovered soon. I realised that he is  a are gift of nature. Now I see the fruition of it.

2.     How did you develop communication skills in Srijan

At first, he used gestures. It reflected his needs. Later he began to write.

3.   What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

Like all parents first I thought there was a plateau. He could not prosper much. Later I overcame that false notion.

4.   Your advice for other parents, please..

You have dedicate your life to your child. It is broader than caring or simple loving. Only then you can get a soft fragrance.


 Now let's chat with the star of our interview - Srijan 

   How old are you, Srijan..

      21 years

2. Please share a few details about your book.

It has a good cover page. It opens up the curtain to the world of non-verbal communicating autistics. It shows that they are not beautiful dumb statutes. They have mind of their own.

3. What are your favourite subjects/topics..

It deals with a sole enhancement program. Many things are crucial here. The importance of teacher is crucial. It is more important who teaches than what is taught.

4. Please tell us about your hobbies. 

I scroll my mother’s smart phone. I like to hear songs on youtube.

5. How do you spend your day..

Studying, writing and leisure. Sometimes we go outside.

6. Do you enjoy watching movies..

I watch part of movies that has dramatic scenes. This helps me to understand human pathos and reactions. It helps in my writing.

7. What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. Please share a few details.

Typing is easier than writing. Writing requires lots of effort. 

8. How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book..

We now know we are not alone. There are many like us. We feel an aura of togetherness.

9Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech...

Communication is more encompassing than speech. Even deaf and dumb can use whatsapp to communicate using text messages though they cannot speak.

Let's hear from Ahan as he talks about his twin brother..



 How was the experience of growing up with Srijan, please share your thoughts..

Srijan is my idol. I always follow my dada. It is a great experience. He never let me feel alone.

2.  Your advice for other siblings please..

Enjoy each other’s company. It is a rare nectar from heaven to have a brother or sister.

        Our twin co-authors have already published two books, a collection of short stories - Pious role and a translation of Tagore's poems - Kopika. May all your dreams come true, Srijan. 

Do read our book - Talking Fingers Vol.2 to know more about the innermost thoughts of 16 non-speaking autistics in India. It's available on all Amazon stores worldwide HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.