Saturday, February 24, 2024

Talking Fingers - Meet Ahan Sengupta

 Hi friends, have you, like me, ever wondered how similar and different can autistic twins be? The second volume of Talking Fingers has twin brothers - Ahan and Srijan! So we are trying something different, dad will answer the questions for Ahan's interview and mom will do the honours for Srijan's inerview. Let's chat with their dad - Prof. Atanu Sengupta and get to know Ahan.

1.     Please share your autism journey with us.

It was a really enthralling journey. From the very beginning we believed in them. We never thought they were mentally backward. We behaved with them as any neurotypical child. We explained to them all situations and problems. We enjoyed each other's company.


2.   How did you develop communication skills in Ahan.

Ahan first used many gestures to show his needs. He would bring my shoes to show that he would like to go outside. Even in the midst of night he would wake us up and express his need for toilet.

Then he learnt to write. He began to communicate with words.

3.  What hurdles have you faced in this journey and how did you overcome them...

The main hurdles came from society. People would not accept them.  Mainstream schools would not like to take them. We tried to make people understand them. Fortunately we got some people who would accept them.

4. Your advice for other parents, please...

     Believe in your child. Accept her, respect her and always think that they are born with same potentials as the other neurotypical child. Your acceptance, belief and respect is a main asset in their life.

   How old are you, Ahan..

I am of 21 years old.

2.    Please share a few details about your book.

I am in great liking of its cover. The tapestry of collection is bewildering. It opens up new vistas.

3.   What are your favourite subjects/topics?

1.      History

2.      Mathematics

3.      Science

4.      Literature

4.  Please tell us about your hobbies. Do write about passion for writing, what inspires you.. 

Watching television sops.

             I write for expressing my inner feelings. There are many thoughts that are constantly lurking in my mind. Writing helps to release my feelings.

5.  How do you spend your day..

I spent by learning, watching TV and sitting quietly.

6.  Do you enjoy going on vacations, please tell us about your recent or favourite vacation..

Yes , I enjoy vacations. My favourite vacation is travelling.

7. What is your preferred mode of communication - writing/typing. Please share a few details.

Typing .

Writing is good but it requires a lot of figure control.

8. How was the experience of being a co-author in Talking Fingers book..

I liked it very much. It allowed us to talk with ourselves. It revealed many aspects of our unknown soul.

 Your thoughts on how communication is more important than speech...

Speech is only a part of communication. There are many other ways. Great writers of past do not talk to us anymore. Yet they still communicate with us through their writing. Speech is temporal. Communication is eternal.

The interview will be incomplete without hearing from Srijan, his twin brother.


1.  How was the experience of growing up with Ahan, please share your thoughts..

Siblings are great assets. I love growing with Ahan. He is a place of solace to me. As he grows, I also grow simultaneously. He is my mirror to me.

2.  Your advice for other siblings please..

Please enjoy the presence of another sibling. He/she is a gift of God to you.

            God bless this lovely family and Ahan, may all your dreams come true. Stay tuned for Srijan's interview next week.To read Ahan's thoughts and of other 15 non-speaking autistics, please buy our book and don't forget to share your thoughts after reading. The book is available in all Amazon stores worldwide HERE

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by the guest in this interview are their own independent opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host and owner of the blog. Readers are advised to exercise their own discretion and seek professional advice where necessary.