Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Interoception - Linking Body Sensations To Feelings & Emotions



Interoception is the hidden sense that plays a vital role in helping us decode our body's signals by recognizing them and interpreting them accurately. This is very important and crucial for us not just for understanding body signals of hunger, thirst, etc. but also feelings and emotions before they overwhelm us. But unfortunately, many children on the Autism Spectrum struggle with this. I have been searching for a good resource to teach these elusive skills to my son and found this gem! This review is for the digital resource bundle, please explore and pick and choose as needed.

Visual and engaging social narrative introduction to Interoception that stresses the importance of noticing the body sensations and linking them to emotions.

A huge collection of visuals that will help them explain how they experience the feelings and emotions in different body parts.

Understand and learn Interoception vocabulary in a play based format.

Level 2 bingo card game 

Body mapping -  a visual way to interpret body signals to feelings

                       This one is an editable play based card game that doubles up as a memory game.


A simple activity card and follow up questions that encourage him/her to feel the body signals.

               Body sensations thermometer that help them understand and rate body signals as small, medium or huge and act accordingly.


Interoception board game!

This is a small brief introduction of the ten resources available in this bundle. I didn't explain it in detail as it would become a really big post. I am sharing the link to the bundle that lists all the individual resources too. I hope you find something that suits your kiddo's needs.