Friday, February 17, 2023

Small Stories Big Thoughts



Small Stories Big Thoughts book is a collection of short stories authored by Aditi Sowmyanarayan. She is an young and upcoming writer with two books under her wings and this is her third outing. Aditi is a non-speaking autistic and is here to shatter many myths surrounding autism by showcasing her versatile writing skills. 

This 17 year old writer is definitely an old soul and her maturity is reflected in all her works. Her short stories are a reflection of that as she writes about everyday slice of life and draws deep and insightful conclusions from them. These are some of my favourite short stories from the book:

The alien story - Aditi writes about the super human skills of her teacher, a unique and endearing way of showing respect.

Uncommon sense - Aditi writes about the much needed common sense and how it's essential in our life

The answer lies within - Simple story with a deep hidden message that more often than that the answer to our problem lies within us.

A trip to remember - a spooky yet funny story

The vendor of joy - I just loved the title of the story and the simple message that sometimes you have to trust your partner and take the leap

Things unsaid - a closer to life short story of sibling love.

This bouquet of short stories is a ably supported by the illustrators - AP Shreyas, Akhil Nair, Sai Kumar and R Jayanth, all are amazing artists on the Autism spectrum. 

Here are the quotes from others who have read the book:

"A really colourful bunch of stories depicting so many varied facets of life, each story putting across a very profound message in a subtle manner. Loved reading each and every story. The icing on the cake is that all the stories are penned by a young lady whose writing I am increasingly becoming a huge fan of. Aditi has a fantastic writing ability and an amazing imagination that gets highlighted through the stories. Looking forward to her next piece of writing. Way to go Aditi, keep penning your thoughts and sharing with us readers!"                                                                           
Chitra Paul

" An eclectic collection of short stories. An interesting twist to fairy tales, start up stories, spooky stories...And also some profound thoughts presented through simple short stories by Aditi. Interesting read."

                                       Viji Rajmohan

"The title is perfect doorway into Aditi's perception of the world around her. The stories are simple while keeping it open for the reader to reflect on different points expressed. I love the illustrations, they are simple to grasp. The narrative is interesting."

                                                Anitha Anand

The third book of Aditi is definitely a feather in her cap and with her steadily growing fan base, I am sure she is getting closer with every book to becoming a successful and accomplished writer. God bless you dear Aditi!

You can purchase the book here: