Saturday, February 11, 2023

Good Book - Navigating Autism



Navigating Autism : 9 Mindsets For Helping Kids On The Spectrum is co-authored by Temple Grandin and Debra Moore. This book shares the collective wisdom of one of most famous autistics in the world - Temple Grandin and a psychologist with over three decades of experience working with individuals on the autism spectrum - Debra Moore. The end result of such a unique collaboration is the nine mindsets that can help not just parents, but also therapists and caregivers. 

The nine mindsets are :

1. Every child is more than Autism
2. Whole child evaluations are vital
3. Take these steps before beginning any intervention
4. Know these medical conditions associated with Autism
5. Know these psychiatric conditions associated with Autism
6. Prepare kids for real world
7. Focus on strengths, not deficits
8. Work in the growth zone and
9. Envisioning a successful adulthood

                 Generally, when I review a book, I talk about my favourite chapter. Here, I am not going to do that as each chapter is essential in the growth curve to becoming a better parent or a therapist. After the Autism diagnosis, not just our children, but we as parents, also need to become more mature and adaptive and resilient. In the earlier stages of your journey, the first five chapter will help and guide you. I wish, I had the opportunity to read a book like this in the initial years! In the later years of your journey, the second half of the book will guide you as the authors share their wisdom and real world experience to introduce you to many new concepts, their importance and how best to adapt to your kiddo. Each mindset is listed as a separate chapter.

            You can purchase this book on Amazon India