Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good Website - Visual Learning For Life

Visual Learning For Life is the brainchild of Melanie Lambert, an occupational therapist, who has created an extensive array of worksheets that have been specially designed to encourage the development of visual perceptual skills.


There  is extensive information available regarding visual perception and how problems in visual perception manifest as a child having difficulties with reading, spelling, handwriting, math and comprehension problems. Different aspects such as Form Constancy, Figure Ground Perception, Visual Discrimination, Position in Space, Spatial Relationships, Visual Closure, Visual Memory, Visual Sequential Memory, Visual Analysis and Synthesis and Visual Motor Integration are discussed in detail HERE.

Their Visual Perceptual Skill Builder Series has 3 levels of worksheets and there is also Visual Tracking Skills Builder and Visual Perceptual Sight Words Builder. You can download the samples HERE.
Don’t forget to check out their amazing blog  which has many free resources.